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Layout Created By Lower
Ego Designz
Main Site Here Lower
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No content from this site can be copied or reproduced in any
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Welcome to the Prediction
Chamber! Here you can submit your predictions about Book 6 (only).
Also submit why you think this is possible. After you submit it
we'll store them here and the release date comes nearer and nearer
and we start getting some hints about what it'll have we'll close
this competition. And then when the Book 6 is here we give the
"Professor Trelawney" Title to the one with maximum no. of
rumors and they all have to be correct. here will also be several
other titles (around 10 I guess). You'll also get some cool graphics
and other stuff.
So just fill out the
form below with your rumors:
Response-O-Matic Form
+ Version 3
+ New Layout
+ New Zonk Board
+ New Affiliates
+ New Poll
Don't forget to leave a message for me
with any comments on this site or anything else. |